United States Military Sites
Army Rangers & Flags of the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard
Image credit: The Pentagon, headquarters of the US Department of Defense, taken September 2018. Author: Touch Of Light (Copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International. One is Free to copy and distribute work.) -- Pentagon's True Take on Pro-Family, Christian Groups Remains Cloudy; President Trump tried to change this policy. Former President Obama was not favorable to Biblical Christianity.
Image credit: Ukraine Map above of East V. West (windowstorussia.com). The Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721 (Russia expanded). The Cossack Hetmanate emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (Wall Street and London Banks funded it), the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared; however, it was always part of mother Russia.
Alert: The U.S. is at War with Russia & China--there are U.S. Special Forces and NATO Forces fighting in Ukraine (And What Does the Supreme Ruler of the Universe say? The Bible? (The American Citizens & Christian Churches are Oblivious to what is going on)
Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond, who served in the South African Defense Force (Video presentation) & Ukraine article: Is the War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before the Great Reset? -- Printable PDF Version & HTML Article: Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022) & Watch Oliver Stone's Bombshell Ukraine Documentary entitled "Ukraine on Fire" that was censored by YouTube (posted to Brighteon.com)--03/03/2022 Note: Israel tried to broker a peace deal with Russia & Ukraine (it was blocked by President Biden--see Did Israel broker a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia — and did Joe Biden nix it?) and Zelensky and his cronies stole at least $400M from U.S. taxpayers last year. Zelensky hates Christians and has closed many churches in Ukraine.
For 15 Years Alex Jones Covered The US/Russia War (Video, 02/27/2023) -- NATO told Russia in early 2000's that it was going move nuclear weapons on their border & take over the Eastern block countries so we can preemptively strike you (see the NATO Plan; it is time for the U.S. to get out of NATO). The Globalists in the U.S. are Nazis.
TV Documentaries on Russia and Ukraine by Oliver Stone.
Note: Mr. Stone is a film director and writer behind Oscar-winning war movies such as Platoon (1986) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989) was once a grunt in the U.S. Army. What may surprise you is that he received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for his services in the Vietnam War. Stone landed in Vietnam on September 16, 1967, and was assigned to the 2nd Platoon of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th infantry, stationed near the Cambodian border. He was wounded twice in action, and was later transferred to 1st Cavalry and assigned to a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon in April of 1968.
Ukraine on Fire (Video) -- by Oliver Stone. Censored by Google.
Revealing Ukraine - Continued Investigations Of Crisis Following Ukraine On Fire - Oliver Stone (Video)
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between
powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted
president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok
provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and
the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact
a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals
how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting
America's geopolitical agenda abroad.
CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953 -- The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated
two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi
Military Exemptions for the Covid-19 Bioweapon Vaccine
Left image credit: www.ivermectin.com -- buy online. (100% legal under an emergency ruling for telemed distribution because of the continuing pandemics.)
IMPORTANT: DOWNLOAD COVID VACCINE RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION DOCUMENT HERE, WHICH INCLUDES MILITARY EXEMPTIONS (Courtesy of News.Gab.com) and also see Covid-19 Vaccine Information that could Save your Life, Covid-19 Legal Help for "Military Personnel" & Covid-19 Medications that Work -- It has been alleged by reliable sources that the "Secret Service" is being given Ivermectin.
New Law Ends COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US troops (Dec. 23, 2022)
U.S. military forces around the world will no longer be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Of course, this mandate was terminated under an $858 billion defense spending bill pass by Congres. President Biden opposed the Republican-back provision, agreeing with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that lifting the mandate was not in the best interests of the military (let's tell the truth Defense Secretary: not in the best interest of big pharma). It is alleged that certain military special units threatned General Mark Milley to rescind the mandate because they knew it was injuring and killing military personnel and the vaccine is a bioweapon (see article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. below). There were over 8,400 troops dismissed out of the military for refusing to obey an unlawful order when they declined to get the vaccine will have to be reinstated with pay. Thousands of others have sought religious and medical exemptions.
[COVID Vaccine a Pentagon Project, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- The experimental COVID mRNA vaccine is actually a project of the Pentagon and military, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Children's Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed that, contrary to popular belief, the vaccines were not originally produced by the pharmaceutical companies."There were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They're all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response," Kennedy Jr. said on "The Kim Iversen Show" earlier this month.]
Help for Religious and Medical Exemptions for all Vaccines for Military Personnel
And Inteview with Kris Anne Hall (Attorney and former military--12 minutes into interview for Covid Exemption) -- Yes, military people have a right to disobey unlawful orders such as the Covid vaccine. She has been helping military personnel with exemptions and just wrote a great paper & her official website is located at Kris Anne Hall Official Website (Attorney and former military). Also, see Non Compliant Movie Documentary -- peaceful non compliance works. Also, see Vaxx Choice -- Todd Callender helps military personnel fight the Covid jab, especially the United States Coast Guard and listen to the interview with Todd Callender, an attorney (11/01/2022) -- Transhumanism demonic AI takeover of humanity. He was the first person to sue the Department of Defense over the Covid vaccine.
Federal judge blocks USMC from firing UNVAXXED Marines (08/23/2022) -- A federal magistrate has blocked the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) from terminating Marines who refused to get injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shot. U.S. District Court Judge Steven Merryday ruled on Aug. 18 that the USMC cannot discharge hundreds of Marines whose religious exemptions to the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate were denied. In his 48-page decision, the federal judge ruled that the military branch has failed to adhere to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993. Under the RFRA, the federal government must prove that a compelling governmental interest requires a certain action and that no less-restrictive alternatives exist.
Public Schools used to honor the Vietnam Veterans in the 1970s with metal bracelets with military personnel missing in action in Vietnam.
One bracelet had the name of CDR. W. P. Yarbrough Jr. 1-19-67 that was given to the President of NJIAT when attending public school. We do not know whatever happened to Commander (CDR) Yarbrough of the U.S. Navy (0-5).
Why the United States should withdraw from NATO and the UN? See The United Nations.
All U.S. Citizens Should Serve in the Military or State Defense Forces (that are under the Governor's Control only)--Conscription
All able body U.S. citizens should serve in the military--a citizen can join the National Guard, Coast Guard, State Reserves/Militia (States that have implemented them such as California and New Jersey--see State Military Reserves/Militias and sub-topic below entitled State Defense Forces) if they do not want to enlist full time. If one is a Christian, there is no excuse not to enlist--this applies to seminary students too. It is unfortunate that during the Civil War, that clergymen were forbidden by law for the first time in American history from fighting on the front lines--this was the result of the feminization of the Protestant church (see Fearing God by Dr. Bob Morey). This law should be immediately repealed. There should be conscription in the United States-- Switzerland, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Finland, Israel and other countries it is mandatory that all able body citizens have to enlist. The Swiss male citizens are required to have a fully-automatic rifle at home and the government pays for it.
Image credit: By David Dees. Deesillustration.com
The Brown Bess (.75 caliber/19.1 mm) was the most widley used rifle by the American Revolutionaries
Christ Never Taught Pacifism (also, see 2nd Amendment Tab)
(See Left: Dr. Bob's book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" has been republished through XulonPress. Book recommended by a U.S. Coast Guard Pilot and Dr. D. James Kennedy). Click to listen to "The Christian and War" (9 Part Audio Lecture Series by Dr. Bob) and also watch his video interview in 2018. (Dr. Bob has been debriefed by Naval Intelligence and the FBI on his vast knowledge of terrorism.)
Christ never taught pacifism--the often misquoted Bible verse Matthew 5:39 was referring to personal insults, not an act of violence done in the context of war or defending yourself or family against violence. Slapping the right cheek by the back of the hand was considered a personal insult in the Hebrew culture. In Matthew 22:33-41 , Jesus spoke with approval of a king who waged a just war to punish wicked people by killing them. Christ and the Apostles never told the Roman soldiers to leave the military because they accepted Him as Lord and Savior (Matt. 8:5-13; Luke 6:15) . In Psalms 139:19-22 , we are told to hate tyranny because God hates tyranny! However, the United States should not be funding terrorists organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda in order to overthrow countries. The U.S. was also responsible for overthrowing Ukraine and causing a potential war with Russsia--this is not authorized by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. It is not a "Just War." Ukraine belongs to Russia. Iraq was an "Unjust War" according to the Bible.
"When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on" RemnantXRadio--Refuting the Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity. The book entitled "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon in 1896 took an unbiblical position on defending yourself that also contributed to a feminized Protestant Christianity in America. This is why the Irish Catholics filled the police departments because the Protestant men became brainwashed by this teaching--it is not Christian to be a policeman, military soldier or have a gun at home to defend your family! Let your wife be raped--what a husband! All Christians should have rifles (semi-automatic) and handguns at home and should obtain a "concealed carry license". See Second Amendment tab, Right to Carry and Police/Sportsmen tab on this website and Self-Defense and Ownership of Guns by Dr. Wayne Grudem. And get Dr. Morey's book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" at XulonPress.
Note: There was a recent article published by The Washington Post entitled John Piper: Why I disagree with Jerry Falwell Jr. (12/23/15) that twists Scriptural passages out of context and violates every Hermeneutical principle. Unfortunately, John Piper is post-evangelical and has embraced liberal doctrines--he is an idiot. John Piper's position/doctrine left the Holocaust of the Jews and now wants Christians to walk into the ovens for their Holocaust by not defending themselves. Also, read another misguided and ignorant so-called Evangelical, Rob Schenck (Evangelical Church Alliance), who is against gun ownership and does not understand that self-defense is taught in the Bible. We can now understand why the Christians in America are so dumbed down. Also, see the book entitled The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates (A proper Resistance to Tryanny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Goverment) by Matthew J. Trewhella. The book can be purchased at the John Birch Society who publish the New American magazine (website: www.thenewamerican.com).
The United States should Leave NATO
A quote from The New American, July 19. 2021 edition, pages 33-34,
...None of the NATO-backed conflicts has led to peace for the countries involved or their civilians: Afghanistan is still in the midst of civil war, its populace largely relies on heroin and other drug sales to live, and Taliban radicals still kill the unfaithful with impunity in most of the countryside. The total cost of the Iraq War alone is estimated at somewhere between $1.9 trillion and $3 trillion, if one includes Pentagon war spending, spending on Iraq by the State Department, the healthcasre of veterans, refurbishing and replacing equipment, and the interest expense on debt incurred to fund the war. It also cost Iraq, according to the Iraq Body Count Project, about 200,000 civilian deaths. Moreover, Iraqi Christians and Muslim minorities have been slaughtered by the tens of thousands by Muslim radicals since the war began (despite the presence of NATO troops), and by 2013, somewhere between 50 and 90 percent of Christians had already fled the previously safe country. ...As far as NATO's bombing of Libya is concerned, it led to destabilization and internal strife in that previously secure country, which resulted in the widespread killing of blacks and the installing of various radical Muslim theocracies and strongmen, turning it into a country where one can be killed for any perceived transgression of religious edicts or commands of area leaders.
Why was General George Patton Assassinated? (Video) By Dr. Peter Hammond, who served in the South African Defence Force (SADF) and Reformation SA.Org
Why has the Army's Suicide rate increased by more than 150 percent from 2001 to 2009 while order for pyschiatric drugs rose 76 percent? Yes, Military Personnel can get a vaccination exemption.
One out of 20 American suidcides involves soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the main reasons could be the pyschiatric drugs (many of the school shooters were on psychotropics) being given to the soldiers. 23-year-old Arm Ranger William Busbee (served in the Special Forces in Afghanistan) took his own life in 2012. An autopsy report revealed that Busbee's system had a dozen different pharmaceuticals, including Percocet, Oxycodone and Paxil. There are also other factors for soldiers committing suicide such as repeated deployments to wars, illegal drugs, obesity epidemic because of poor diets and sedentary lifestyles. (In 2008 only 70.7 percent graduated high school compared to 94 percent in 2003--this is not the case with Officers, who are highly educated.) The family breakdown, no fear of God, no standards of right and wrong because of no Biblical teaching, etc. are major contributors to suicide. The drugs that are legally being prescribed to our troops is a disgrace--the leaders should be ashamed of themselves. See Special Report: Medical Nurse Witnessed Troops on Psych "Suicide" Drugs & Pentagon: Christians May Face Imprisonment for 'Sharing Faith'--this is what we are fighting for? (05/02/13) --see Legal Help tab or Military Waiver for vaccination exemptions.
Image credit: By David Dees. Deesillustration.com
VIDEO: FEMA Trains Preachers for Gun Confiscation (2020) -- Recon Marine interviewed on Infowars.
Fort Hood Soldiers Told that Christians, Tea Partiers a Radical Threat (10/25/13)
Tucker Carlson: DoD Ramps Up Political Warfare on Conservative Media (2021)
Retired Brigadier General Albert E. Brewster, USMC (Ret..), Frisco, Texas has proffered charges against the following military officers [(from a letter sent to the Secretary of Defense on September 18, 2020 (see www.theNewAmerican.com, Nov. 23, 2020, p. 5, The New American magazine)]:
Preferral of charges: I am writing you to bring charges under the UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] against currently retired officers of the military within the Department of Defense, and hereby request you initiate the necessary actions to bring these (and any others uncovered who did likewise) officers to face trial under Article 88 of the Code, Contempt toward officials, which specifically states: "Any commissioned officer who uses comtemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legistlature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."
The Supreme Court, as recently as 2019, has refused to review military cases brought against "retired military under the UCMJ," effectively supporting such cases as being constitutional....In each of the cases against these individuals, they have made strong and readily available public remarks against the president. I will not attempt to list here each incident, but will leave that up to the DOD Legal Counsel to produce in preparing the official charges against each office.
Gen. James Mattis USMC (Ret.); Former Sec. of Defense Gen. John Allen USMC (Ret.); Former commander of the U.S. forces Afghanistan Adm. Mike Mullen USN (Ret.); Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. William McRaven USN (Ret.); Former commander U.S. Special Ops Cmd. Gen. Merrill McPeak USAF (Ret.); Former Air Force Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman USAF (Ret.)....[They are among the] 55 General Officers who signed the Washington Post letter supporting Biden.
Unfortunately, these officers failed to live up to their Oath of Office vs. following the example set by General Joseph Dunford USMC (Ret.), former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when he stated: "I will remain apolitical in retirement -- I will not comment on President Trump or his policies in public," he said. "I do believe that retired senior leaders can contribute to shaping defense policy, but that can be done without engageing in partisan politics....Individuals who believe they must act in a manner inconsistent with our ethos must weigh the perceived need to speak out with the potential damage to the institution of the U.S. military....That is in large part because we are not seen as Democrats or Republicans. We are seen as Americans who take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The named officers, and others that may be added to the list, have violated the above stted "trust" and MUST FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS! Dismissal, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to one (1) year are the possible penalties for a violation of Article 88.
I hereby cerify that I am a retired military officer, drawing retirement pay, subject to the UCMJ, and therefore qualify under Article 2 of the USMJ to bring these charges against the named, and unnamed who qualify, individual officers.
Brigadier General Albert E. Brewster, USMC (Ret.) Frisco, Texas
Russia Today & How they Resemble more of the Old United States
Image credit: Vladimir Putin in Pokrova Church (Turginovo)-01/07/2016. Attribute www.kremlin.ru.
President Putin endorses Christian Values while the U.S. Curses them--how Ironic.
Western Military District (Blue), Southern Military District (Brown), Central military District (Green) & Eastern Military District (Gold).
Liberals Fear Christianity and President Putin
"Today, the liberals who control the West fear Putin as though doomsday was tomorrow. It is not a nuclear threat, but rather a spiritual renewal that threatens them. It is not Putin, but Russia's Christianity they fear. Rather it is Christ they truly fear and hate. They tried to persuade Americans by scaring everyone with ideas of Putin as the evil KGB, out to destroy the world… they demonize Putin because it is not our world, but their liberal world that is in danger of being destroyed."
Italian Air Force
Generale Francesco Leone (Italian Air Force) with his arms folded in China -- click Generale Francesco Leone in China (for an enlarged picture--PDF) & Portrait of General Frank Leone--PDF & General Frank Leone in front of Airplane with High Ranking Italian Air Force Officers--PDF.
The President of NJIAT had the pleasure of meeting a General in the Italian Air Force (around 1971, New York) and his family & wife in the early 1980's in Rome. The General spoke fluent Chinese and helped China (see picture above) with their aviation program before World War II. General in the Italian Air Force (business card)--PDF
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.
Recruiting Links for the Armed Forces
Recruiting Links for the Reserves
Image Credit:
USCGC Bertholf (WMSL-750) is the first Legend-class maritime security cutter of the United States Coast Guard in 2006. She is named for Commodore Ellsworth P. Bertholf, fourth
commandant of both the Revenue Cutter Service and Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard photo by PAC Tom Sperduto,
Author: Coast Guard News. Permission is given by Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license to share or copy image.
Recruiting Link for the Coast Guard Auxiliary (USGAUX) & US Air Force Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol) And "FirstNet" (Cell Phone Service) & Uniforms for CGAUX
Trump Administration Fires Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Linda Fagan, Citing Border Failures And 'Leadership Deficiencies' (01/21/2025) -- Trump administration officials have fired Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Linda Fagan over her failure to address border security concerns, her
focus on DEI initiatives, and her consistent "leadership deficiencies."
It should be noted that a lot of high ranking "Coast Guard Male Officers" have stated off the record, that it was almost impossible to go past a certain rank because of the woke/DEI initiatives and discrimantory polices against males.
Note: Under the Biden Administration, they were asking the "Coast Guard Auxiliary" to volunteer time at the border--not to stop illegal aliens, but to help process them and bring supplies (cell phones, money, etc.). A disgrace--it is treason. We hope President Donald J. Trump (elected in Nov. 2024 & our new Commander & Chief) will supply equipment (boats, planes, etc.) to the "Coast Guard Auxiliary" (the U.S. Air Force supplies and pays for the planes that the Civil Air Patrol uses) and broaden its authority to include direct law enforcement functions--of course, any Coast Guard Auxiliarist can be deputized by U.S. Federal Marshal Services or by other Federal law enforcement agencies; see US Marshals Deputize Musk's Security Detail. Many of the volunteer members are retired or current law enforcement, former military, educated professionals, etc. who should be able participate and many have the skills and fitness to qualify and meet all requirements for this function. All other functions, the Auxiliarists have to be qualified. Billions are sent to Ukraine that NATO & CIA to overthrow an elected leader in 2014 and now they put in a puppet fascist and anti-Christian leader named Volodymyr Zelenskyy in power, but no money for our own forces and there is a shortage of uniforms--disgraceful.
Phone and Travel for Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliarists
Uniforms for Coast Guard Auxiliary
Third Party for Purchasing CGAUX or other Military Uniforms
ODU Boots for Coast Guard
Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary links on Boating Safety, Life-Jackets and Other Rules & Laws on Boating from PA & NJ
State Waterway Authorities (New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania)
Warning About Using Marijuana on a Boat in NJ and Other States
Example: Citizens are boating by Sandy Hook and get pulled over by the NJ State Police Marine Services Bureau. The people on the boat are smoking marijuana. Not a problem because marijuana is legal in New Jersey. However, the United States Coast Guard pulls up by your boat and you will get arrested. It is still federally illegal and the Coast Guard will arrrest you. The Coast Guard's jurisdiction overrides the NJ State Police.
Recommended for United States Coast Guard personnel including the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotillas, especially on Patrol -- First Aid Emergency Kits
The Wellness Company --get the First Aid Emergency Kit with Epinephrine.
Recruiting Links for New Jersey and Pennsylvania Army National Guard
State Defense Force Units
Links to State Military Reserves/Militias
- State Guard Association of the United States—there are at least 26 states that have State Guard Units or State Defense Force units.
https://www.sgaus.org/ - State Defense Force--a complete list by state.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Defense_Force/ - The Militia: In History and Today by Lt. Colonel John Eidsmoe (Air Force), who is a Constitutional attorney--PDF
- New Jersey Naval Militia
- The New Jersey Naval Militia Foundation
California State Military Reserve
Why State Guard Units/State Defense Force Units (the Naval Militia being the equivalent in NJ) are not only needed in every State, but are a crucial component of Homeland Security
The California State Military Reserve (CSMR) is the equivalent to the New Jersey Naval Militia and the other 26 existing
state guard units across the United States (see State Guard Association below), which is an all-volunteer (18 - 63) State
Defense Force--authorized by United States Code (32 USC 109c)--whose primary mission is to support the California
National Guard (CNG) in its Homeland Security missions such as Disaster Mitigation Recovery, Small Arms Weapons
Training, Military Police, etc. The New Jersey Naval Militia and the New Jersey State Guard are organized as a single joint
regiment designated as the New Jersey Naval Militia Joint Command (NJNMJC). NJNMJC is organized and controlled
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 38A:1-3(a) and N.J.S.A. 38A:3-6. NJNMJC was originally authorized by the Governor of New Jersey
in 1894. It is a state militia force only. After being deactivated and absorbed by the US Naval Reserve in 1963, it was
reactivated by former Governor Whitman in 1999.
The mission of the NJNMJC is to provide naval support and a military waterborne force. It receives no funding and is not allowed to recruit new members. The only recognition or support the NJNMJC receives from the State of New Jersey is space for headquarters at Ft. Dix and drill assembly training space in the Plainfield Armory. The organization has kept current on topics such as weapons of mass destruction, hazardous materials, counterterrorism and the national response plan. Additionally, it has received certifications as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and basic Military Emergency Management Specialist (MEMS). The NJNMJC is actively pursuing the Senior and Master MEMS certification (see Governor Chris Christie’s DMAVA Transition Report on the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs for more details located at https://www.state.nj.us/governor/ ).
An excerpt from the Committee Report on the New Jersey Naval Militia Joint Command (NJNMJC) to the Adjutant General on the accomplishments of the Naval Militia--
Following activation, the NJNMJC participated in several major events (e.g. Hurricane Floyd, OPSAIL 2000) and was employed extensively in a variety of roles after 9/11....
On September 11, 2001 members of the 2nd Division, New Jersey Naval Militia, assigned to Patron 10, placed one vessel, PBU 23-1, (Patrol Boat Utility), a 23' aluminum convention displacement hull with enclosed cabin, equipped with radar, global positioning device, depth indicator, marine hailer, VHS radio, and powered by twin 1989 outboard motors, at the disposal of the United States Coast Guard and State Guard Units. The vessel was deployed for the purpose of security at and around the World Trade Center (WTC) Site. During the weeks following the disaster, a second vessel, PBU 23-2 was made available to assist. A third vessel, PBU 23-4, was placed in service in November 2001. The following is a list of missions that were accomplished from September 11, 2001 to July 30, 2002:
1. Waterborne security at the bases of the George Washington Bridge
2. Daylight vessel traffic control on the Hudson River, north of the George Washington Bridge
3. Standby vessel for search and rescue detail Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook, NJ
4. Transport of military personnel and equipment from NJ to North Cove (Ground Zero)
5. V.I.P. transportation and security detail for Liberty State Park tribute events during October 2001
6. 192 days of water-borne security assisting naval personnel at Naval Weapons Station Earle
7. 180 days of continuous daylight patrols assisting the NJ State Police at Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Salem, NJ
8. Assisted with security in Jamaica Bay, NY during the aftermath of the crash of Flight 194, Kennedy Airport
In addition, the following land-based missions were assigned and accomplished:
1. Personnel to man the military Joint Operations Center
2. Chaplain services at Ground Zero and the Staten Island Logistics Support Base
3. Development and presentation of an anthrax awareness program to all N.J. Army National Guard troops in the field
4. Physical security augmentation at Fort Dix and NAES Lakehurst
5. Logistical support at Ground Zero for the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)
6. Warehouse management for the Salvation Army....
The Naval Militia offered a great service for New Jersey.
When the NJ Naval Militia was reactivated by Governor Christie Todd Whitmann in 1999, it had bi-partisan support by both Democrats and Republicans--please call your Governor, State Senators and Assemblymen and ask them to take the NJ Naval Militia off "stand down" mode and start recruiting new members. This would save our State and local governments a lot of money and be very beneficial to the Homeland Security operations in the State of New Jersey. Unfortunately, the existing Adjutant General Glenn K. Reith—who was appointed in 2002-- has been indifferent and non-supportive to the Naval Militia, which is regrettable considering many retired and active high ranking military officers and former adjutant General’s fully support the Naval Militia and appreciate the benefits it brings to the Homeland Security function in the State of New Jersey, especially on 9/11. The different agencies should put aside their petty jealousies and work for the benefit of the people instead trying to protect their fiefdoms. Governor Chris Christie (who is an honorable man and believes in truth, justice and honesty) should put a stop to this non-sense and allow recruitment of new members for the Naval Militia. (See article entitled States’ Rights rebellion over National Guard located at https://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=122689 —many states and Governors across the nation are concerned by the Federalization of the National Guard; at least the State Guard units such as the Naval Militia stay under the control of the Governor.)
In the States that do not have a State Defense Force such as Pennsylvania, call your Governor's Office and ask them to start one. State Defense Forces in conjunction with volunteer Deputy Sheriffs' Officers could be used by the Governor to bring law and order to our most of our crime ridden areas with little cost--see Large Cities All over America are Degenerating Into Gang- Infested Ware Zones.
Helpful links for Military Personnel & Veterans
Military Vaccines: see the Whole Health Tab on this website.
Today's Military
News Websites
- Infowars.com
- Censored News
- World Affairs Brief -- Joel M. Skousen's
- Natural News -- one of the best health news sites & other topics
- The New American -- John Birch Society publication
- North West Liberty News -- events in Montana & around the nation
- Rebel News -- Canada & World
- GAB Trends--the new alternative Drudge Report that does not censor.
- Faith Defenders--free articles on Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on.
- Winning the War of Radical Islam used by Naval Intelligence & other government agencies
- Islamic Invasion
- When is it Right to Fight by Dr. Robert A. Morey?—A Biblical refutation of pacifism and non-resistance tactics.
- "When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on" RemnantXRadio--Refuting the Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity. The book entitled "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon in 1896 took an unbiblical position on defending yourself that also contributed to a feminized Protestant Christianity in America. This is why the Irish Catholics filled the police departments because the Protestant men became brainwashed by this teaching--it is not Christian to be a policeman, military soldier or have a gun at home to defend your family! Let your wife be raped--what a husband! All Christians should have rifles (semi-automatic) and handguns at home and should obtain a "concealed carry license". See Second Amendment tab, Right to Carry and Police/Sportsmen tab on this website.
- Also, see article entitled Self-Defense and ownership of Guns by Dr. Wayne Grudem.
- Frank & Friends (Radio 2015) -- Dr. Bob interviewed on: Islam: What it is?, Judaism & Jews (did the Targums teach the comming Messiah and His deity?) and What is Christianity?-- Is it a denomination of Judaism?; The Way.
Russia's Elite (they are actually defeating ISIS) -- see Terrorism Tab on this website.
Financial, Housing, Education and Job Hunting for United States Veterans
- MoneyGeek --A Veteran's Guide to Job Hunting in the Civilian World, Housing Benefits for Veterans Student Financial Aid Guide and so on.
- Learn How to Become -- College resources for Veterans
- Complete Guide to College Admissions
- Money Crashers -- the benefits of attending a Community College. Plus you earn a two-year degree.
Military Departments and Centers in the U.S.